We understand that SMEs can face a range of difficulties when recruiting university students and graduates.
The Employer Services team offer bespoke support for SMEs to recruitment our students, offering a platform for them to boost their campus image. Take a look at our video to see what the fair was like with our former Employer Services Manager, along with insights from businesses and students about their experiences.
We would be delighted to hear your thoughts on the SME Information Hub. If you have any suggestions for topics to include or would like to provide general feedback, please reach out to us at employers@durham.ac.uk!
This section covers everything you need to know regarding what kind of interview questions to ask, adaptable based on your role specification. We also provide some clarification on your duty as an employer to provide reasonable adjustments throughout the recruitment process.
The intern has completed around 90 hours’ worth of work which involves rebuilding one of the Android applications from scratch... they are performing at a very high level to our company’s delight.
Having successfully recruited a candidate, this section covers the last part of the recruitment journey - onboarding. The linked page below discusses advice on planning out the induction process, and includes a checklist to help you create a smooth experience for any new employee.
The Careers & Enterprise Centre is located on the ground floor of the Palatine Centre. Opening Hours: Monday - Friday (9:00am - 5:00pm).
The Palatine Centre
Stockton Road
Tel: +44 (0)191 3341437