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Access to HE Diploma 

If you are holding or studying towards the Access to HE Diploma we need 60 credits with a minimum of 45 credits at level 3. How many credits are needed at distinction and merit levels will differ depending on the course you want to study.  Typical offers range from 30 level three credits at distinction and 15 at merit to 15 level three credits at distinction and 30 at merit. 

levels  Access to HE Diploma

At least 30 level 3 credits at Distinction a

nd in addition at least 15 level 3 credits at a minimum of merit

BBC-BBB/ABC At least 15 level 3 credits at Distinction and in addition at least 30 level 3 credits at a minimum of merit

You will also need to meet other course requirements, for example study of specific subjects or the passing of additional tests or interviews where these are needed for entry. 

A and AS level (including international A levels) 

If you’re studying for or have already achieved A levels then you can find the grades you’ll need for your course on our , as well as any subjects you’ll need to have studied.  Our offers are usually based on the grades you achieve from your best three A levels, with grades ranging from A*A*A to BBB, but we don’t accept General Studies or Global Perspectives & Research. You also won’t be able to count two AS levels as one A level.  You don’t have to have studied your A levels in one sitting, as we will accept grades achieved in different years.  

BTEC Nationals level 3 

We consider a range of BTEC level 3 qualifications in combination with A levels (or equivalent).  For many of our courses, the BTEC level 3 Extended Diploma can be accepted alone, however many of our courses also require specific subject A levels (or equivalent) alongside this.

The table below shows the basic BTEC (QCF) requirements, however for some courses you will need A levels in certain subjects in addition to these grades:

A Level L3 Extended Diploma L3 Diploma L3 Subsidiary Diploma L3 90-credit Diploma
A*A*A D*D*D D*D* + A at A level or D*D + A* at A level D* + A*A at A level or D + A*A* at A level D*D* + A*A at A level or DD + A*A* at A level
A*AA D*DD D*D + A at A level or DD + A* at A level D* + AA at A level or D + A*A at A level D*D* + AA at A level or DD + A*A at A level
AAA DDD DD + A at A level D + AA at A level DD + AA at A level
AAB DDD DD + B at A level D + AB at A level DD + AB at A level or DM + AA at A level
ABB DDM DD + B at A level D + BB at A level DD + BB at A level or DM + AB at A level
BBB DDM DD + B at A level D + BB at A level DM + BB at A level
ABC DDM DD + C at A level or DM + B at A level D + BC at A level or M + AB at A level DD + BC at A level or DM + AC at A level or MM + AB at A level
BBC DDM DD + C at A level or DM + B at A level D + BC at A level or M + BB at A level DM + BC at A level or MM +BB at A level

The table below shows the basic BTEC (RQF) requirements, however for some courses you will need A levels in certain subjects in addition to these grades: 

levels  L3 Extended Diploma  L3 Diploma  L3 Extended Certificate/ L3 90-credit Diploma  
A*A*A  D*D*D  D*D* + A at A level or D*D + A* at A level  D* + A*A at A level or D + A*A* at A level 
A*AA  D*DD  D*D + A at A level or DD + A* at A level  D* + AA at A level or D + A*A at A level 
AAA  DDD  DD + A at A level  D + AA at A level 
AAB  DDD  DD + B at A level  D + AB at A level 
ABB  DDM  DD + B at A level  D + BB at A level 
BBB  DDM  DD + B at A level  D + BB at A level 
ABC  DDM  DD + C at A level or DM + B at A level  D + BC at A level or M + AB at A level 
BBC  DDM  DD + C at A level or DM + B at A level  D + BC at A level or M + BB at A level 

CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Child Care & Education

If you're interested in studying Primary Education and are studying the CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Child Care & Education we'd welcome your application. We require a grade A from this qualification for entry to our Primary Education course.

Cambridge Pre-U Diploma 

The Cambridge Pre-U, as either the full Diploma or individual principal subjects, is excellent preparation for a degree at Durham.  Individual pre-U principal subjects can also be combined with A levels to meet our entry requirements: 
A* at A level = D2 in pre-U principal subject

A at A level = D3 in pre-U principal subject 

B at A level = M2 in pre-U principal subject 

C at A level = M3 in pre-U principal subject 
Our offers exclude the Global Perspectives course. 

Cambridge Level 3 Technicals (2016 reformed)

We consider the OCR Cambridge Technical Extended Diploma in lieu of three A levels, with grades ranging from D*D*D to DDM.  The OCR Cambridge Technical Diploma is considered in lieu of 2 GCE A levels, and the OCR Cambridge Technical Subsidiary Diploma in lieu of 1 A level.  Where a specific subject or subjects are required at A level then you will still need to meet this requirement.

The table below shows the basic requirements, however for some courses you will need A levels in certain subjects in addition to these grades:

A Levels L3 Extended Diploma L3 Diploma L3 Extended Certificate/Introductory Diploma L3 Subsidiary Diploma/Foundation Diploma
A*A*A D*D*D D*D* + A at A level or D*D + A* at A level D* + A*A at A level or D + A*A* at A level D*D* + A*A at A level or DD + A*A* at A level  
A*AA D*DD D*D + A at A level or DD + A* at A level D* + AA at A level or D + A*A at A level D*D* + AA at A level or DD + A*A at A level  
AAA DDD DD + A at A level D + AA at A level DD + AA at A level  
AAB DDD DD + B at A level D + AB at A level DD + AB at A level or DM + AA at A level  
ABB DDM DD + B at A level D + BB at A level DD + BB at A level or DM + AB at A level  
BBB DDM DD + B at A level D + BB at A level DM + AB at A level  
ABC DDM DD + C at A level or DM + B at A level D + BC at A level or M + AB at A level DD + BC at A level or MM + AB at A level   or DM + AC at A level
BBC DDM DD + C at A level or DM + B at A level D + BC at A level or M + BB at A level DM + BC at A level or MM + BB at A level  

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) 

We value the extended project as a qualification which provides you with skills in project management and extended writing which are excellent preparation for university study and a successful higher education experience, but it does not form part of our offers. 

International Baccalaureate 

We accept the International Baccalaureate Diploma and Career-elated programme (where this includes three individual Diploma Higher Level subjects). Offers are usually made on achievement of an overall IB Diploma grade or three individual Higher Level subjects at specified grades, including specific grades in specific subjects where this is needed for the course. 

A levels IB Diploma Programme [IBDP] IB Careers-related Programme [IBCP]
A*A*A 38 total points, including 776 in Higher Level subjects Pass, including 776 in Higher Level subjects
A*AA 38 total points, including 766 or 666 in Higher Level subjects depending on the course applied for Pass, including 766 or 666 in Higher Level subjects depending on the course applied for
AAA 37 total points, including 666 in Higher Level subjects Pass, including 666 in Higher Level subjects
AAB 36 total points, including 665 in Higher Level subjects Pass including 665 in Higher Level subjects
ABB 34 total points, including 655 in Higher Level subjects Pass, including 655 in Higher Level subjects
BBB 32, total points including 555 in Higher Level subjects Pass, including 555 in Higher Level subjects
ABC 32, total points including 555 in Higher Level subjects Pass, including 555 in Higher Level subjects
BBC 30 total points, including 555 in Higher Level subjects Pass, including 555 in Higher Level subjects

Practical Science 

If you are studying for an A level with an English examination board in a science subject that includes a practical element (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology) then you must pass this as a condition of entry for our Faculty of Science courses. 

Scottish Highers and Advanced Highers 

The University recognises both Highers and Advanced Highers and, depending on grades achieved/predicted, applicants can be accepted with either of these qualifications.

If your school offers Advanced Highers we expect you to take these, however we recognise that not all schools offer full Advanced Higher provision. As such, if your school doesn’t offer Advanced Highers or only allows one or two to be studied, then we may make offers based on Highers or a combination of Advanced Highers and Highers.

Where specified subjects are required, these would usually need to be taken at Advanced Level. Highers would only be considered on a case-by-case basis.

A levels Advanced Highers Highers
A*A*A AAA Please .

Steiner NZCSE

This qualification is considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on the curriculum taken and the course applied for. When applying with this qualification, please upload a copy of your transcript to your application through your portal, and ensure your referee provides details about your studies to help us assess your application.

T levels

We welcome applications from students of outstanding achievement and potential from all educational backgrounds.  We will consider applicants studying T level qualifications for entry to many of our courses.

Where a course requires subject specific knowledge and this is not covered within the T level being studied, you may need to supplement your T level studies with a suitable qualification to meet this requirement, for example at A level.  Where this is needed this will be clearly stated in our entry requirements.

Detailed entry requirements can be found on individual course entries on our courses database.

University of the Arts, London Level 3 Diploma/Extended Diploma

We consider the UAL Level 3 Diploma as equivalent to one A level to be taken alongside two A levels or equivalent in different subjects (please note, some courses have specified subjects that would need to be fulfilled).

A* at A level = Distinction
A at A level = Higher Merit
B at A level = Merit
C at A level = Higher Pass

We accept the UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma in Music Performance and Production at Distinction for our Music courses in conjunction with either A level Music, ABRSM Music Theory Grade 6 or our in house equivalent test.

Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Skills Challenge

We value the Advanced Skills Challenge as a qualification which provides you with skills which are excellent preparation for university study and a successful higher education experience, but it does not form part of our offers. 

WJEC Level 3 Applied Certificate/Diploma

We value the WJEC Level 3 Applied Certificate as a qualification which provides you with skills which are excellent preparation for university study and a successful higher education experience, but it does not form part of our offers. 

We will consider applicants studying a WJEC Level 3 Applied Diploma for entry to many of our courses. This is considered on a case by case basis.